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Available Online

Reiki Session (1 Hour)

Energy healing; chakra cleansing and balancing

  • 1 hour
  • 70 US dollars
  • Columbus (in-person)

Service Description

Your chakras and aura will be cleansed with universal/heavenly and Earthly healing energy and light. I am a certified Reiki Master in both Usui and Crystal Reiki, forms of vibrational (energetic) healing passed from teacher to student. This ancient technique clears energetic blockages, encourages healing, and provides the client with an energetic shield. Additionally, I may receive messages that I am led to tell you. Everything in our world is energy, which is interpreted on a vibrational level, starting with atoms, the building blocks of all. The Earth itself has an electromagnetic frequency of 7.82 hertz. Some vibrations are not ideal, however, so Reiki seeks to alter that and get us back to an ideal "vibrational level." Reiki is a method of blessing and healing practiced by many figures in history. It is a channel for awakening the natural ability to heal, and not just the body. If you are interested in becoming certified in Reiki, I currently teach Level I, with Level II in the works. There are three progressive levels, and one can be attuned multiple times in order to channel a greater amount of energy. I am not yet teaching at this time. Those who live in or within thirty minutes of Columbus, MS, U.S. may schedule an in-person appointment. Distance Reiki can be done over the phone, Discord, Zoom, or by simply following the emailed instructions. *Legal Notice: Reiki does NOT replace medical/psychological/professional care. This is a supplement to health and wellness, not a treatment nor a replacement for professional medical/psychological care.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule, please contact us two days in advance.

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